
Degrenne Paris成立于1948年(nián),時尚潮流的(de)法國餐桌用品品牌,是歐洲餐具制造商的(de)領頭羊。我們密切地(dì)和(hé)法國大廚以及主要酒店集團合作以提供高(gāo)質量、符合人體力學(xué)和(hé)能吸引人眼球設計的(de)實用性産品。
2010年(nián),為(wèi)了表彰其專業性和(hé)對其工藝的(de)尊重,Degrenne Paris成了法國活文化遺産的(de)标簽。

Degrenne Paris, Creator of shared emotions since 1948, the European market leader in the manufacture of cutlery. Degrenne Paris works closely with leading French chefs and major hotel groups to offer high quality, ergonomic and practical products in eye-catching designs.

In 2010, Degrenne Paris received the French “Living Heritage Company” label in recognition of its expertise and respect for its craft. Today, Degrenne Paris puts its know-how available to professionals and offers transversal collections to serve all gastronomy times: breakfast, lunch, dinner, tea time ... All our collections are designed to meet catering and hospitality requirements in terms of quality, functionality and style coherence.
